Boxed Existence

Being labled as "crazy" or even "insane" can and will seriously effect how others view a "touched" individual no matter how trivial the contact may be. But how often have you, the "normal" one, wondered how circumstances and situations affect these special persons throughtout their lifetime or even just their day to day survival? And have you ever wondered what really goes on inside the mind of one, such as myself, whom has been branded since being a child? Here, as I am able, will I attempt to take you into the world of semi-madness, where thoughts fly around the mind like Wasps at a summer picnic, always looking for their next victim to sting and inflame; incessant in their assult and always able to avoid being swatted down and halted from their continous onslaught, no matter how hard we try or how far we run. It's a place where labels are tacked on according to the moment, the whim and what is currently being deemed as "appropriate" by professionals. And finally it is a void in which there is truly no reprieve nor no escape, except for in death. I invite you now to begin this journey with me into my Boxed Existence where for over 33 years I have fought to remain, only to keep some form of sanity in my life. This could take months, or maybe even years to complete but when I am done it is my hope that not only will you have a fraction more understanding into the minds of those effected with Mental Illness but also, maybe, as one of these extraodinary people, so will I.

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